Ambient Weather Support

Virtual Weather Station Templates

Changes were made to the Ambient Weather Server that will result in “dead link” images of the Ambient Weather logo and banner at the top of the HTML templates on your website.

To fix this problem, edit the templates (for example, open the htx files in Notepad) and change every instance of to, or:

Download and update the latest templates:

To determine where your Virtual Weather Station (VWS) Templates are stored on your computer, select Internet | HTML Settings from the VWS menu bar. The templates are listed in the left hand column (click on the image above to enlarge).

To download the templates below to your computer, RIGHT CLICK with your Mouse and select “Save Target As…” and browse to your template directory as defined in the HTML Settings Window. You will be prompted to replace the file, and select “Yes”.

RIGHT CLICK on the links below to save to your computer:

>Download wx.htx

>Download usa.htx

>Download international.htx

>Download details.htx

>Download daily.htx